Just In! Toro Dingo 425TX- stand on mini skid steer. If you look here often, you'll notice I had this machine back in late winter/early spring. Sold it to a good customer of mine locally who had a good size job to do. Didn't want to rent one so he bought this unit- Job is completed, along with a few others- now he is trading back in for another machine. Unit is gas powered, Kohler engine was replaced in 2018. I don't have exact details for hours when it was replaced but I've known the last two owners - last one put 50 hours or less on it- previous person might have put a hundred hours since engine replacement as all he used it for was augering for fence posts- Machine in total has about 1559 hours if memory serves me right. Replacement cost for machine with just a bucket is around 35k- you would be well over 50k with all the attachments-
Pricing as follows- Bare machine with 42" bucket- $13,000
Machine with bucket, hydraulic auger with three bits, trencher, new grapple rake, new 4 in one multipurpose bucket with teeth, and new Stump bucket with grapple- $20,000 -